The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan) is expected to face some of its worst floods in the coming monsoon season. We have been receiving information from trusted sources on weather forecasts, predicting that this year, we can expect to be badly hit by torrential rain in the coming weeks and months.
In response to this, the Parish of St Thomas, Kuantan, is in the midst of forming a Parish Flood Relief Ministry (PFRM) under the umbrella of the Parish Integral of Human Development Ministry (PIHDM). The objective of this ministry is to assist flood victims during the upcoming monsoon season, which is expected to start at the end of October onwards.
We need to start our groundwork in planning for the floods and the recovery from the aftermath. We encourage Parishioners and friends within our vicinity to volunteer their services for this ministry. We want to plan ahead and organise ourselves as best we can, before any disaster occurs in our areas. Once the PFRM is formed and volunteers secured, we will then conduct training and other activities to prepare them, before the heavy rain and floods begin.
We are sure that there will be NGOs, armed forces and individual volunteers who will come forward to assist the flood victims too. However, as a Church institution, we have to be mission-oriented, so that we may able to reach out and make a difference during tough times. I am sure that all our efforts will not go to waste during dire times, when natural disasters occur, so we must strive to keep up our good works and spirits alive.
Early this month, we started a Family Day Project to raise funds for the poor and also for the anticipated flood victims. As part of this project, we have planned a Family Day, which will take place on Sunday, 13 November 2022 in our Church premises. This event is in conjunction with the 6th World Day of the Poor. We plan to invite the underprivileged members of our community, regardless of nationality, to celebrate with us as one family. There will be many activities taking place on that day - such as games, food stalls, stage shows etc.
Proceeds from the Family Day Project will be distributed to those who truly need it - equally and without prejudice. We hope to receive as much support from our Parishioners and from the community - to work hand-in-hand with the PFRM, so that we are able to carry out the required works.
During this month of the Rosary, we continue to pray for volunteers to come forward to join our Parish Flood Relief Ministry (PFRM) so that our preparations and effort would not be futile. Through Our Lady’s maternal care and protection, we pray all would participate in the mission of the Church as a family of God, working together to face all and any difficulties ahead of us with steadfast hearts and unwavering faith.
Our Lady of the Rosary, PRAY FOR US!