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Leadership at Church of Saint Thomas

The most exotic church in the East Coast of Peninsula Malaysia. Here, we’re blessed with dedicated religious and spiritual lay leaders who animate the life of the church and keep the faith of our community alive.

Rev Fr George Packiasamy

Parish Priest

I was born in 1963 in Selangor, Malaysia. I did my priestly training at the College General, Penang and completed my studies in Philosophy in 1997. I obtained my Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology in 2002. I then went on to do my Master’s in Sacred Theology, in Pune, India, which I completed in 2010. I was ordained as a Catholic Priest on 12 February 2003 and my priestly ordination motto is: "TO LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE"  (2 Jn 6). Since then, I have been ministering in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur and I am currently serving in the Church of St Thomas, Kuantan, Pahang (Jan 2022). I have cultivated the hobby of writing in 2010, and since then, every weekend, I take the opportunity to share the Word of God and my priestly ministry through my Parish Website, my personal blog and Facebook. I always keep my Parishioners and friends updated on whatever takes place in my priestly ministry.


St Thomas, the Apostle, Pray For Us! 



Henry Alberto
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to liaise with, assist and collaborate with the Parish Priest and various ministry leaders in implementing the Parish Vision and Mission. The PPC is also responsible for planning and coordinating the parish ongoing formation programs, activities or events; and to vitalise the spiritual and social development according to the pastoral needs of parishioners.


I have served as PPC of St Thomas Church for 7 years. It is a fruitful and fulfilling experience for which I feel extremely blessed. 


“The Lord will call on his people to serve and your walk with Jesus is ever so rewarding.”

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June Thoo Phew Juen
Parish Co-Ordinating Council (PCC)

The PCC's role is to implement tasks or align with the parish pastoral plan and work together with the parish priest, coordinators, various ministry leaders and facilitators towards the parish vision, mission and the promotion of the Gospel values.


I've been involved in the Chinese Apostolate Ministry over 15 years, as committee member and catechist. I was elected as PCC chairperson in 2013 till present.


Lord, I'm not worthy but I'm willing to give my best to the church. Let us grow strong together in our faith. 

Light and Shadow
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Christine Thong

Basic Ecclesial Community Co-Ordinating Team


• To oversee the overall Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) building activities.

• To plan and organise training for all Area BEC Core Teams

• To structure Zones and BECs as the need arises

• To coordinate activities at Zone and BEC levels

Parish Integral Human Development Ministry


Integral human development is about the formation of the human person - physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and social. As well, it is about the formation of communities with their different groups working together towards the common good.


PIHDM encompasses other sub-ministries :

  • Inter-religious

  • Ministry of the Poor

  • Migrants

  • Women's Desk

  • Orang Asli

  • Single Parents

  • Edu-Care

  • Prison Ministry

  • Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)

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Katherine Boon


Dorcas Lee

Parish Catechetical Ministry

The Parish Catechetical Ministry of Children and Adult programs are responding to God’s calling, to explore and share the nature of the Church. It provides catechetical formation for students from pre-school right up to Form Five (Sacrament of Confirmation), as well as adults.


The ministry's duties include recruiting, training, supervising and evaluating catechists for various programs each year and intercommunication with Archdiocesan Catechetical Team, Parish Priest, and catechists. Our catechists are vibrant individuals who are passionate about their Catholic faith and seek to transmit that faith to those placed under their care.


“The Church’s catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel.” 

Comprises of : 

  • Sunday School

  • Minister of the Words for Children

  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

  • SPM Bible Knowledge

  • 40/100 Weeks Bible Studies

Crystal Salt

Parish Liturgical Ministry

The liturgical ministry is involved with the Eucharistic celebration and other sacraments, public events  and/or celebrations. The Parish Priest is the main guide for the movement of the liturgy. 


Our liturgical members should utilise the talents and gifts to the fullest extent. The parishioners’ commitments will enhance the Church's celebration.


If you are interested to join one of these ministries, please do get in touch with one of our liturgical coordinators. Below are sub-ministries that bring more beauty to any liturgical celebration in the Church:


·  Lectors and Commentators

·  Choir

·  Audio Visual

·  Hospitality Ministry

·  Extra Ordinary Holy Communion Ministers

·  Altar Servers

·  Altar Decorators

·  Sacristan

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Francis Xavier

Parish Youth Ministry

The Coordinator of Youth Ministry (CYM) welcomes all youths in colleges, universities, single and working adults into the life of church. 


They participate in parish planning with the parish priest and parish council. They too are responsible for implementing and facilitating youth ministry programmes. 


The growing challenges faced by young people are responding to God’s call and willingness to serve in their ministry.

  • Single Adults

  • Working Adults

  • Colleges

  • Universities 

Chinese Apostolate

The aim is to engage and promote the closeness among the Chinese speaking community, and to enhance the culture.


June Thoo

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Christina Alex

Tamil Apostolate

The aim is to create opportunities among Tamil speaking parishioners to grow spiritually and culturally in upholding the teaching of the Church and spreading the Catholic faith. 

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Anna Thong

Parish Action and Response Team


The objective includes:​

  • To ensure all parishioners observe the SOPs and all public safety protocols during the Mass and other celebrations. 

  • To ensure all parishioners take the necessary precautions and immediately proceed to Isolation Period if required.

  • It is necessary for all parishioners to adhere to the following safety measures or SOP before coming for Mass and while in the Church premises:

  • Ensure you are healthy and not having any flu or Covid-19 related symptoms

  • Wear your face mask at all times when you are within the church premises

  • Practice social distancing and reduce physical contact with others

  • Leave the church premises immediately after Mass

Sheila and Emmanuel Fernandez

Family Life Ministry

The basic cell of society is the family, founded upon marriage. It plays an important role in promoting holy and healthy marriage through the Church's teaching; providing resources for couples who are preparing for their marriages; encouragement for living family life as domestic church; supporting marriage and family life. It also assists Pre-Baptism programmes for parents and godparents.


  • Catholic Marriage Preparation Course (CMPC)

  • Marriage Encounter (ME)

  • Pre-Baptism Instruction

Catholic Charismatic Renewal


The CCR is a spiritual movement that emphasises the availability of the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of every parishioner, and the need for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, sharing our personal testimonies, conveying and witnessing Christ in the world in order to live life to the fullest. The CCR comprises of 4 groups, English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil speaking. 


Elaine Lau


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Faith Formation Ministry

To provide a variety of opportunities for parishioners to grow in faith and to offer service within the life of the Parish by sharing gifts and talents.

Eternal Life Ministry

Eternal Life



©2022 by Church of Saint Thomas, Kuantan.

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