On Saturday, 15 April 2023, Christian Police Officers and personnel of Pahang State celebrated the 216thPolice Day Anniversary with the Parishioners of St. Thomas, Kuantan. About 80 of them, together with their respective families (approximately 150 of them), attended the auspicious event hosted by the Church of St. Thomas, Kuantan.
At the beginning of the Mass, we started marching with two flags – National and Police Contingent flags – from the entrance of the Church, followed by the national anthem – “Negaraku”, and ended the Mass with the Royal Malaysian Police march song – “Sedia Berkhidmat.” During the Mass, we specially prayed and blessed all of them for their total dedication and devoted service in their duties to conserve harmony, peace, security and well-being of the people in our country.
We, the Parishioners, would like to express our gratitude and appreciation, especially to Superintendent Paul Henry, Tuan William Fernandez, Tuan Cleda and all other members of PDRM, Kuantan who have tirelessly prepared and organised the whole celebration and fellowship for all the Christian PDRM personnel of the State of Pahang consisting of 11 districts. We are grateful to you for choosing St Thomas Church Kuantan and making the celebration a memorable one for all of us.
On the Second Sunday of Easter, we had Infant Baptisms for 10 children from East Malaysia at St Theresa’s Chapel, Gambang, Kuantan. Both Parents and godparents affirmed their commitment to raising the children in the way of Christ and bringing them up in moral uprightness until they reach the age of reason. During this Easter Vigil celebration, these parents also received their Sacraments of Initiation. Prior to this, a few of their parents wanted their marriages to be convalidated in the Catholic Church. (Their weddings were only officiated civilly and in another faith outside of the Catholic Church, which is not recognised as a valid marriage by the Catholic Church). Hence, they underwent the Catholic Marriage Preparation Course (CMPC), their marriages were validated and their unions are now recognised in the Catholic Church.
This year, the baptisms of 14 adults and 10 infants have brought much meaning to our community. They have taken the courage to come forward, get their marriages validated, get baptised together with their children, too, rather than wait for this to be done in later life. A week ago, our Catholic Varsity Students’ Fellowship (CVSF) of St Thomas Church, Kuantan, organised a spiritual orientation at St. Theresa’s Chapel, Gambang. About 12 of them (6 are first-year students) attended. We wish to warmly welcome you, too, into our Parish community. We are delighted to welcome them and their families into our community.
Let’s look forward to getting to know them gradually. We encourage them to commit themselves to the life of the Church. We pray that they will regularly come to our Church with their children and grow in their faith and understanding of the Catholic Church.
As a Parish community, it is our responsibility not only to welcome them but to look after their faith and guide them in the way of Christ. During this Eastertide, we are to reflect on the liturgical readings daily as we journey towards New Pentecost.