Holy Week is the most sacred week of the year and an important event in the Church’s liturgical calendar. It is observed in the Catholic Church as a time to commemorate the Paschal Mystery - the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Out of all the 52 weeks in a year, Holy Week is considered the most significant for us. During this week-long period, we prepare our hearts for the upcoming Easter celebrations. Holy Week may not a busy time like some other festivities, however, it is a very sacred time. The Church encourages us to solemnly enter Holy Week, and take a simple retreat within ourselves to discover our faith, and the richness, fullness and significance of our Liturgy.
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, which is also known as Passion Sunday. We walk in Jesus’ footsteps on His final days on Earth during this time. During Holy Week, we are guided to enter into the solemn liturgy of the Church - the Easter Triduum - which is an essential part of our faith. As we enter Holy Week, let us take this time to reflect on the events of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, which is documented in all four gospels. It is a time for spiritual recollection and contemplation of these profound events.
The Holy Week liturgy invites us to meditate on the suffering endured by Jesus, including his humiliation, insults and cruel death on the cross. We must not reduce the Paschal Mystery celebrations to mere events, ideas, stories, or narrations. Instead, we should live it as a process of dying and rising - where we witness death giving way to new life. This process of dying and rising is something we experience every day, like the leaves falling from trees in autumn and then new life sprouting in spring. Our faith experience gives growth and vitality to our spiritual life. As we journey through Holy Week, may it bring new life, courage, and hope to each of us, our families and our community.
During Lent, many of us might have participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. However, we may still feel that we are not good enough, worthy enough, or holy enough. Holy Week is a blessed time for us to renew and revive our spiritual life. It is the perfect moment for us to repent for our sins and weaknesses. We should not let the distractions of the digital world and the busyness of life take away our time with the Lord. We must reflect on His last journey towards Mount Calvary and His last destination.
We must acknowledge our sinful and broken nature, confess our wrongdoings from our hearts, and seek a deep connection with God as a sign of our commitment to the Gospel. As Jesus said, “Repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:14); this is a time to start anew, leave behind but learn from our past mistakes, and seek His grace to follow His way faithfully. We should joyfully walk with the Lord through both the happy and difficult moments of our lives.