Ever since I was posted here, in St. Thomas’ Parish, I have added Saint Thomas as my patron saint too. He now holds a special place in my heart alongside Saint George and Saint Joseph. I look up to him as a friend and companion, and I make it a habit to pray to and communicate with him regularly. His proclamation – “My Lord and My God” – has become the early Church’s central belief and is now at the centre of our hearts.
In today’s modern times, we face numerous challenges and threats that can negatively affect our marriages, families, children, work, and finances. To combat these challenges, we can seek the intercession of the saints in heaven, particularly St. Thomas, our Patron. By doing so, we can be protected from evil deception and find guidance in our daily lives, and by emulating his virtues, we can strive towards holiness.
The Patron Saint we celebrate was a great missionary and successfully carried out Christ’s mission in Persia and India. We should strive to imitate the Apostle, Saint Thomas, who followed the footsteps of Jesus in his life. Today, the Church encourages us to spread the message of Jesus within our families and community. Our families and our community need to rediscover the importance of faith in Christ. With the help of Saint Thomas’ constant prayers and guidance, we can become a shining example of faith to those around us.

After listening and contemplating the homilies of the respective Presiders over the past few days, particularly on the intentions from the Litany Prayer to St Thomas, now it’s the perfect time to dedicate and devote ourselves to St. Thomas. Those who are devoted to him will receive his affectionate care, protection, and guidance.
Since last year, we have composed our own Litany Prayer to Saint Thomas, and we are proud of it. The Litany clearly presents his titles, privileges and heroic virtues. It would be great if the Parishioners of St. Thomas Parish would recite the Litany Prayer to St. Thomas every day. This would help us in our spiritual improvement as we come to realise the importance of having a spiritual companion besides Mother Mary and other saints. Therefore, we can develop a more profound understanding and admiration for St. Thomas and become more ready to devote ourselves to Christ Jesus.
Although we are imperfect, God is perfect and is still able to accomplish his perfect plan through our imperfect actions. A common saying goes, “God writes straight with crooked lines.” When things seem crooked and out of control, God challenges us to deepen our faithfulness and follow the path of Christ throughout our lives. We can draw nearer to God with Saint Thomas as our spiritual companion and friend. God has the power to rewrite the mess we find ourselves in, to repair our lives.
God helps to straighten our paths, even when they seem crooked. God has a way of making things work out, even when they don’t seem to be going smoothly at first. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6).
