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The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared that his intention for April 2024 is to focus on the Role of Women. He invites people across the world to pray that women’s dignity and immense value are recognised in every culture, and that discrimination against women comes to an end, in all parts of the world.


The role of women in today’s society is crucial. They have been found to possess superhero-like powers in everyday life. They contribute so much love, compassion, and care to those around them and significantly promote unity and prosperity within human society. Women are naturally creative and skilful, holding strong moral values while also being compassionate, pure-hearted, and possessing tremendous inner strength.


Women play a pivotal role in families and are adored by their children, whom they raise to become compassionate adults. We must never underestimate their ability, talent, and contribution, as they are capable of achieving anything men can, and sometimes even better! Gone are the days when women were confined to the home, performing household chores and taking care of children. Nowadays, women pursue careers and lifestyles that interest them, achieving success and recognition equal to their male counterparts.


Women are well-educated and contribute greatly in various professional fields, including science, medicine, engineering, anthropology, teaching and leadership roles. They are involved in social movements - advocating equality, justice, tolerance, and peace. Their contributions to society are inspiring and continue to evolve, pushing towards a more inclusive and brighter future in the 21st century.


We encounter many influential women in today’s society, including our mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, friends and other relatives. They excel in all areas of life and words alone cannot describe the significant role they play in shaping our world. We must respect women and give them the freedom to be all that they can be. They are the pillars of strength that inspire future generations with innovative ideas to support families, organisations and societies.

Datin Paduka Sister Enda Ryan, FMM, an Irish Nun who joined the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in 1947, passed away on Sunday, 7 April 2024, at the age of 96. She arrived in Malaya in 1954 and set up the Ave Maria Welfare Clinic in Petaling Jaya. In 1955, she founded and became the headmistress of the Assunta Girls School. Sister Enda Ryan received an honorary doctorate in humanities from Taylor's University in 2022, in recognition of her contribution to education.


She was a true champion of girls’ education, and her legacy will live on through the many lives she touched during her time as a teacher and mentor. On her funeral day, over 1,000 ex-Assunta students from various backgrounds, race and religion, as well as Religious and Priests, gathered to bid her a final farewell. She was a legend in her own right, and will be remembered for her positive impact on so many women’s lives.

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