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Writer's pictureRev Fr George Packia


Over the past three weeks or so, we have been complaining about the hot weather! We are puzzled as to why the weather can be extremely hot and humid and are looking forward to having some rain. The prolonged periods of hot and humid weather have caused heat waves throughout our country, leaving many of us lethargic. We need to drink sufficient fluids and remember to keep our pets and plants sufficiently hydrated as well. As we begin Holy Week in April, the weather is predicted to be sunny, hot and dry with minimal rainfall and temperatures could range between 32-34 degrees.

Holy Week is the most sacred week of the year in the Church’s liturgical calendar. It is a commemoration of the Paschal Mystery – the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We start Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday from 1 April 2023 (Sunset Mass) till 9 April 2023 (Easter Sunday).

As we solemnly enter Holy Week, let us make it a spiritual recollection and contemplation of the events of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem - which appears in the four gospels - followed by Jesus’ carrying of the cross to Mt Calvary and His accomplishment of our salvation.

The Holy Week liturgy invites us to meditate on how Jesus was humiliated, insulted, spat upon, cruelly crucified, and died on the cross. We should not water down the celebrations of the Paschal Mystery as events, ideas or stories but instead, experience it as a process of dying and rising - death and new life. This process of dying and rising that we experience daily may be likened to leaves on the trees falling in autumn and eventually showing signs of new life in the spring. Similarly, our faith experience gives growth and vitality to our spiritual life.

During Holy Week, let us put aside our busy schedules and read and meditate on the Gospel of the Passion and Death of Jesus, especially the last two chapters from any of the four Gospels. This last week of Lent offers us an opportunity to bring our hearts and minds closer and in harmony with Christ. As we journey through this Holy Week, we pray courageously that the Lord Jesus brings us transformation - to experience new hope in each one of us.

All this while we took the opportunity to be free from the obligation to attend Mass in Church by following live-streamed Masses. It is time for all of us to come back to Church for the celebration of the Christian Mystery. So, beginning from this Palm Sunday Weekend, all Parishioners should attend Sunday Masses and other holy days of obligation in person. We have all read and understood the Chancery Notice of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur dated 21 March 2023 pertaining to the guidelines concerning attendance at Mass in Churches.

With that said, we request those feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms, to adhere to COVID-19 precautionary measures, protecting yourself and others in order to prevent the spread of this virus.


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