On Sunday, 24 April 2022, we began our Catechism classes in-person, particularly for the Standard 3 and Form 1 to Form 5 students. What a surprise! After a long period of online lessons, all these students came back in full-force and with a spirit of enthusiasm, for their face-to-face classes.
Students and parents were invited for a quick breakfast in the community hall after the morning Mass, and then we all moved over to the St Giles’ room for a special blessing with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. After that, the Catechetical team, led by Dorcas Lee, gave a short briefing on the roles of parents and students in faith education. Students then proceeded to their respective classes.
We appreciate the commitment shown by our teachers and students in attending in-person classes. All online catechism classes will cease by end of May 2022 and we hope that every student will embrace being back in class face-to-face. A total of 111 students have registered, including 15 orang asli students who will be studying in their kampungs, coached by our Parish Orang Asli Ministry.
The Catechetical Team greatly appreciates the generosity of BEC members who willingly commit to providing breakfast for our students and teachers who attend Sunday Catechism classes in Church. We hope parents, guardians and parishioners – the primary educators – will continue to support and pray for our students to be faithful and attentive in their faith education.
The Holy Father’s Intention for the month of May 2022 invites the Church community to “pray for all young people to live life to the fullest; may they see in Mary’s life, the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.”
During the pandemic, many of our young people have distanced themselves from church activities. We understand that many of them encounter tremendous challenges in their life, particularly in their relationships with their families and peer groups, lack of job opportunities, and most of all stumbling blocks in their spiritual life. These challenges have made it tough for them to grown personally and spiritually. The Church always welcomes you, and will help you find fulfilment, in order to live life to the fullest, (cf. Jn 10:10).

As of May 2022, the Health Minister has officially announced further relaxation of Covid-19 SOPs. However, we must remain cautious and always safeguard our health and well-being, especially when we are within the Church grounds. We continue to adhere strictly to the SOPs for our own good health and follow the guidelines given, until this virus is no longer a threat to us all.
May is the month of Mary. Remember to pray the Rosary for our Parish’s young people and catechism students, as we journey hand-in-hand with them while they find God in their lives. We also pray that they will imitate our Blessed Virgin Mary’s virtues to listen and discern God’s calling and His will through guidance of the Holy Spirit, as they dedicate themselves to the service of the Church.
